The Risk Factors Associated with Cancer
Many factors can put a person at risk for cancer. They can be biological, environmental, and also certain lifestyle habits. Some factors are held responsible for the development of cancer more than others. While there are several common cancer treatments available, not all can cure the condition. Some treatment methods only decrease the symptoms and help the affected person lead a better life. The risk factors associated with cancer can include: 1. Biological risk factors Biological risk factors comprise age, gender, and various types of inherited diseases. As cancer takes time to develop, most people diagnosed with cancer are above 65 years of age. Though older people are at a higher risk of this disease, it can occur at any age. People who share a family history of different forms of cancer are likely to develop the disease. Besides, various chronic health conditions can also increase the chances of developing this condition. It is therefore advised to consult a physician to know more about the risks involved. Doctors generally consider these factors when diagnosing the condition and before administering any common cancer treatment. 2. Environmental factors The presence of harmful chemicals can also increase the chances of cancer. Passive smoking and exposure to harmful chemicals like asbestos and benzene are some of the important factors responsible for cancer.